Using the Atmel ATSAM3X8E on linux

You might know the SAM3X8E from the Arduino Due, which can be quite easy to program using the arduino IDE. But how can you compile for and program the Atmel microcontroller directly using the native USB port? The information on this subject was scarce so I made a guide which may help you! This can work with all the devices that Microchip ASF supports.

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Arduino load cell

This project started out as an assignment for school, where we had to create a measurement system from selected sensors, to measure volume. I chose a load cell for getting the mass and a thermistor to get the temperature for temp variable density.

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Sensor data collection

This project started out as a small test if it’s even possible to read sensor data into a MVC app like there are ThingsBoard, ThingSpeak and many more. To tune this for your own station, you need to understand a bit about Ruby on Rails and Arduino.

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